Thursday, March 19, 2009

Typical Long investor in SPG

is someone with BA, 20-40 yrs old, $35-80k salary, and graduated 1.75 - 2.63 GPA.
They are absolutely impotent in every aspects of life including mating, and substituted glue for the more bonafide "medicines".

I wish I work in biotech, because I want to examine these people brain structure in depth using a very nice microscope.

PS: and reading the Skeptical Optimist. LOL.


qadi said...

SO reminds me of those kids in school that you knew you had to bully: you had to beat the stupid out of him.

MTGSPY said...

That man is using a very dishonest debating tactics.

Strawmen and answering a different question is the MO.

Stockfarmer said...

I think those were the dudes that just showed up for tests in college. After the test I would hear them say stuff I like I should go to class.