"Multiple wholesalers began inundating mortgage brokers with offers for the same applications. Some brokers chose to exercise their power by asking for something extra in exchange for their business: sex. "
"Wholesalers also offered sexual favors to co-workers."

I think we discussed this before, but this past summer definitely had an uptick in the escort business. They were "hitting up" myself and my friends at nice locations that we had never been bothered at before. These were NOT girls I would have guessed last spring...
My first thought was that they must be washed-out mortgage/real-estate brokers.
This one always has the best listings in Chicago and I met her sitting outside of a coffee shop and she asked me to watch her dog for her...
She isn't an "escort" though.
PS - My buddy met her in a similar situation with the same, "will you watch my dog" routine a YEAR later.
hooch for pooch.
My cousins wife real estate whore was screwing a land developer. She had exclusive deals in his area. The affair was discovered and she got fired. She went from making six figures to working in a bookstore.
She would probably screw a dog for money.
I had told the manager of Joe Lewis's restaurant in Chicago to expect lots of professionals applying for bar tending jobs. Three weeks ago "manager" said the Boca Raton location they are opening this month was flooded with applications from "professionals." All of the eastern european mortgage/real estate brokers are converting to escorts, I don't even talk to these girls anymore for that reason. There are a lot more good looking girls in the working girl business now though and lower prices for their clients as a consequence.
There was a London girl a couple months ago that lowered the "clothing consultation fee" all the way to $70/hr before she figured out price wasn't the issue. The funniest part was she asked for my number after all of that too!
I shorted 10 shares of bkr-b this AM. Probably while you are posting that piece on tf.
I just found that post. hahahah. No money to short class A.
and Not guts to short more thank 10 shares.
Too bad there is no put so the game will have to be bloody as hell on the short side.
Well BRK game has always been money intensive, although relatively easy because chart is cleaner than most.
Long from 3100 to 5008, basically parking ALL cash while battling CFC and IMB back in the days:D.
Then long again 3900 - 4500.
I started shorting late 3 days ago in the open 3250. And covered today about 2780s.
2800 is a multiyear support level, there is ONLY AIR until 2,000. Then if that fails 1,500 is the last stop before zero.
Say, a 40% drop from here assuming the Dow is in about lockstep says Dow 5000? Can you say we get there next week?
I hate heights and air, so I am out of this for a while either long or short.
Short again at 2600 - clean break from 2700-2800 candle a few years ago, and cover again at 2000.
I am not playing long, will reshort at 3000 if it bounces. That is approximately the 38.2 Fib.
I have no reason at all to say this, but I like to say it so I will. I think today (11/20) the "good guys" ( the guys who like to hide losses, skim money from taxpayers, and dodge all accountabilities) win.
At least that victory could be good for a midday rally?
Keep in mind I am saying whatever junk that comes to my mind, without reason/justification.
I have become very fond of noir humor...
Funny Stuff
Happy Thanksgiving!
So, has this rally run out of steam yet? Or do we run all the way to 1050?
I reshorted on Friday during the final 30 minutes...
There are 2 people who have been dead right, both are BETTER in every way than me. They have opposite opinions about where to go long. BUT. They both agreed 100% the indices/aggregate are overpriced. Check your WPE screen in bloomberg.
D, he said " I is ..."
\is he copying from mtgspy?
Hmmm, nothing on bloomberg now, maybe I missed it? care to elaborate on the names?
I'll post the screenshot tomorrow. WPE screen is the "world index PE ratio" screen, it has Dow, Nikkei, Nasdaq, Bovespa, you name it. The worst estimate is in the US. They got $40 actual with $75 expected earnings, and running at 30x P/E on nasdung and 20 PE on the SPX. All living on borrowed time. And time is about to run out as the last batch of pigmen have run away with their cash and only a few left. It will be Ba-man they burn at the stake 4 years from now. People will remember the "dog naming" session with somewhat bigotic attitudes in decades to come.
Still short from Friday. Today was tough but looked like classic retrace from yesterday and then more carnage tomorrow I hope.
Plus seems like lots of people thinking Santa rally :o)
I have a large short position too. This market is crazier than anything I have ever seen. I don't get rattled too much but this is rough.
My source at mega bank x said they had an average week buying paper, but they weren't as aggressive as JPM in their pricing. No surprise that origination is jumping off despite marginally lower rates.
I've also heard that JPM has been the strongest in the auto-lending space since this contraction started followed by citizens. This is for auto-financing, not floor plans.
well do pick and choose your battle from now on.
1. The fed demonstrated willingness to print for the FIRST time today, 5B out of thin air on the POMO agency news. Yes this might be extrapolated but if you've been here around you know it takes a crook to catch one and right now this crook tells you to watch out. :)
2. December reports might indicate a very strong change in credit attitude, as if every credit spigot is open. Reason: more business days, big refi applications (yes, pullthrough is low) but nonetheless you will see 30% higher origination and that is qualified as shock and awe.
3. We got an outside day today, with Europe closing deep red. You know what that means? They'd open deep green and god helps me (and other shorts) on the bell monday if the big 3 just getting a loan bailout is taken as "good".
4. There has been continuous chatters on whether the current rate at 10yr is "condusive" enough and therefore the fed can turn to its favorite past time, that is, cutting fed funds rate after the 1/2 million job loss today. They won't cut if it steepens the curve and by that you know it only comes by the 10y going up 50-100bps nullifying all their efforts so far.
5. The yuan devaluation rumor while still in its infancy I think is real despite move north of 2% today. Its impact to the shorts is not known, but betting one direction conditional on its happening is as good as playing the russian pastime, the russian roullette.
6. The issue of messiah's pastime, the infrastructure projects, is hanging like an axe over the bears' heads. There are easy monies out there and combined with 5 happening it actually makes sense. Think about it.
So what did I do? Continue hedging, yes, may have caught 40-60% of the adverse move but that just means your pain is half, and then at the end of the day you take out the hedge and pray again the next day the pain is LESS. LOL.
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