(I actually have two versions of her photos you may pick one)
a. With Jesus hand

or ...
b. With MY hand ?

Either way, a fascinating actress who understood in-depth about character that will stir a lot of imaginations. I understand if you choose Jesus' because it's hard for me to compete with such trader with infinite foresight.
Here's a better one we took last summer...
very fascinating, very fascinating. I am busy now. :D
Bellucci was in Matrix 2/3 also.
Another nice one that was taken off the market last year: Claire Forlani
Who are we kidding, they're all beautiful. I ran the Brasil idea by the lady and she asked if I would write! LOL
The exit strategy:
The USD still buys a lot down there!
i have bookmarked that thing. Thank you.
I am partial to go back to my home country, vietnam. Even if the tshf happens, i think I can survuve fairly well there. decent medical care and plenty of good looking girls to choose from.
I bookmarked it too :)
I can only imagine the parties that could be thrown there...
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