b. Buy sellers of BLINGS despite the way to buy is by BORROWING from lenders.
There must be an infinite source of wealth in the center of the galaxy producing greenbacks and that is exactly what CNBC scientists discovered, here's the proof courtesy of Chief Scientist Cramer.

THAT was fuggin AWESOME ;)
Wonder if they'll prove the existence of the Green Hole at CERN soon....
Fermi lab found it about 5 years ago.
My struggle from the truth will not stop until COF is upgraded to target $200 and WB for $95. I am writing everyday to the analysts pointing out this dichotomy and asked them intead to retract their bullish remarks on non-financial, simply up the ante with even more bullish forecasts for the financial especially credit guarantee companies.
Are you as equally stunned as I by the systemic and blatant disregard for reality? If credit underwriting is really about pricing repayment risk and character, what does this indicate about the greater picture in your estimation?
I mean we are talking analysts, corporate officers, regulators, investors, borrowers, government officials...
There is no character demographic left untouched by the desire to conceal "sins."
it's simple, everyone resigned to their fate and gave up. They ain't stupid and know exactly what they are doing.
I know, today is one of those days for me...
I have a friend that called me today and he is walking on both of his houses...and he has plenty of income to support both. $500k + annual income. He has a new "MTV Cribs" style home he was building and the builder tried to renegotiate the deal mid-project. The short story is that the construction loan was due and the bank wouldn't renew the project when he had it reappraised. His first home was collateral for the construction loan...he paid cash for the land and had significant equity in his first home. He is walking away from hundreds of thousands of dollars because the math doesn't compute for him.
I understand it's potentially just a slippery slope, but this really does look like a full-blown debt deflation is upon us.
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